First of all, this chapter is dedicated to Frabela!
Upon my shout-out in the previous post, Frabela volunteered to buy and scan Vol 10!
While I wouldn’t say that I’m obsessed with quality, I certainly grow attached to a series when I work on it as long as I have with TsukiTsuki. And the LQ public images just weren’t doing the series justice.
Therefore a big thanks to Frabela!
The new scans just look fantastic.
As for the chapter itself, damn… HNNG.
I know you all cried waterfalls like me on the previous chapter, but one last time, get the tissues ready.
Volume 09 really managed to impress me once again.
It also seems that the future volumes will have some wonderful development in store, so I can’t wait to translate it.
I’ll spend the coming weekend with redrawing the colour spreads of vol 10 and hopefully get to release it then too.
Again thank you for the huge support. I really appreciate it~
Enjoy the chapter~
Yay ;D thanks so much PROzess, keep up the good work. Uff finally I made a comment right after release (;
Thanks for the new chapter, and thanks to Frabela for helping PROzess continue his excellent work.
And with this, the harem end is confirmed. haha
Thanks again PROzess. You’re my hero!
Thanks for the new chapter~
A god amonst men.
Oh gods, the feeeeeeeeeeels…
Hiriji is just so adorable.
Is there an epilogue for this volume, or are we straight into Volume 10?
At the rate PROzess is going, we’ll soon be all caught up in terms of the volumes!
Awesome, many thanks!
Thank you for translating.
thanks for you translations and hard work!
First of all, I’d like to show my gratitude to our honored Translation Overlord, Prozess-sama, for bestowing us with his Grace and Wisdom.
Secondly, my utmost gratitude to Frabela, for the generous donation.
Now all the important things have been said, please allow me to cry myself a river for this development. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the translation.
Looks like Hiriji is now set on only one type of end now.
thank’s for the updated!!,
really~ up until vol 8 i have enjoyed the story, n now this vol really kill my mood to read it
now that i lost all motivation, this development.. ugh, at first i thought it will be great if no one got hurt like to love ru n at least the author keep hijiri n machina (don’t eliminate them) but…realty isn’t like that, -_-
anyway thank’s again for the updated!!!
n sorry for the complain!
it’s just… i can’t still accept this development..
imho, shinobu’s attitude up till now was right.
i mean, its much more painful to get a false hope for love. its better to be clear about it.
when somebody had a high wish for nothing, its just.. too unbearable :'(
lol sorry i got personal on it
God thanks you for your patronage.
Also God is grateful that Harem end route seems to be the True end.
thank you for the translation Prozess-dono. i hope that you are enjoying Tsuki Tsuki as much as everyone who reads your translation.
thank you Frabela-sama for your donation in keeping the cause going.
I was going to write some large comment again but, i entered facebook for ahours and lost all my inspiration.So yeah thanks a lot PROzess-sama, sorry the bad english
thanks for the chapter! love the feels of this story
Thanks for the chapter.
Thx for translating.
Well this was to be expected I guess. I like it better this way anyway
seriously when i read last chapter i almost heart broken,despire hound me almost drop reading this story,but i must give you lots of thank you because you fast update,it make my heart get healed once more thank you very much.
Oh man, both of you, PROzess and Frabela do the novel JUSTICE! Thank you for the translation as always PROzess, and Frabela, no matter where you are right now, may god bless you!
Sorry i forgot about fabrela, thanks a lot frabela. Thanks to you we will be able to read the next Volumen without any problems, other that the waiting
Dayum, we got two gods now.. does that mean twice the offerings?
Thank you. And I did not cry. Not at all. Damn you allergies.